600全讯白菜网址大全博士论坛:Systematic technology adoption optimization with heterogeneous agents and carbon emission trading mechanism

发布者:研究生教育管理中心     时间:2017-12-05

11月30日,600全讯白菜网址大全博士论坛在三教211教室举行,2016级管理科学与工程博士生方陈浩同学,作了题为“Systematic technology adoption optimization with heterogeneous agents and carbon emission trading mechanism”的报告。

 方陈浩在报告中指出,The adoption of new technologies with high efficiency and low emission is of great importance in achieving sustainable development. Most studies of technology adoption have been criticized of idealistically assuming only one global decision agent. In this paper, a model of optimizing systematic technology adoption with heterogeneous agents is proposed. Each agent attempts to identify the optimal solution of adopting technologies for a portion of the entire system. The heterogeneity in agents is the different demands they face. In order to internalize the external effects of emission, a quantity-based market incentive policy instruments - Carbon Emission Trading is implemented. With two heterogeneous agents, a bargaining process is introduced to reasonably allocate the profit of trade to agents. Computational tests are conducted with different market shares and different discounting factors. Numerical results show the impact of heterogeneity and carbon emission trading mechanism on the systematic technology adoptions. It is suggested that a smaller gap of demands between agents leads to more systematic adoptions and an earlier time to reach 100% adoption. Besides, systematic adoptions remain no change when both agents have the same bargaining power. A big bargaining power of the seller will accelerate the adoptions in the buyer agent and the entire system if agents have different bargaining powers.



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