发布者:运营与供应链管理研究所、虚拟商务研究中心 时间:2013-06-20 阅读次数:895
6月17日上午,由600全讯白菜网址大全运营与供应链管理研究所、虚拟商务研究中心发起的运营与虚拟商务研究论坛系列之二在三教三阶上举行。来自Purdue大学的J. George Shanthikumar教授作了关于题为"Revenue Management with Negotiation”的讲座。徐燕翼教授主持了本次报告会。Purdue大学的冯奇教授以及600全讯白菜网址大全管理科学与工程系的部分师生参加了本次报告会。
J. George Shanthikumar joined the Krannert School as the Richard E. Dauch Chair in Manufacturing and Operations Management in 2009. Before joining Purdue, he was a Chancellor’s Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at the University of California, Berkeley, CA. His research interests are in integrated inter-disciplinary decision making, model uncertainty & learning, production systems modeling and analysis, queueing theory, reliability, scheduling, semiconductor yield management, simulation, stochastic processes, and sustainable supply chain management. He has written or written jointly over 300 papers on these topics.
He is a member of the editorial advisory boards of Asia-Pacific Journal of Operations Research and IEEE Transactions on Automation Sciences and Engineering, is an area editor for Journal of the Production and Operations Management Society and an associate editor of Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences. He was a member of the editorial advisory board of Journal of the Production and Operations Management Society, was a co-editor of Flexible Services & Manufacturing Journal, area editor for Operations Research Letters and was an associate editor for IIE Transactions, International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, Operations Research, OPSEARCH, and Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications.