
发布者:600全讯白菜网址大全办公室     时间:2014-05-16     阅读次数:2717

讲座主题:Group Harmony in the Workplace: Conception, Measurement, and Validation

主讲人:Chao C. Chen(美国罗格斯大学教授)




主讲人介绍:Professor Chen is full professor of organization management and global business, Rutgers Business School, The State University of New Jersey. Currently he is President of International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR) and Deputy Chief Editor with Journal of Trust Research, Management and Organization Review(MOR), and Asia Pacific Journal of Management(APJM). He has published articles in premier journals including the Academy of Management Journal(AMJ), Academy of Management Review(AMR), Administrative Science Quarterly(ASQ), Journal of Applied Psychology(JAP), Organizational Science(OSci), Journal of International Business Studies(JIBS), and Journal of Business Venturing(JBV). His teaches classes at the undergraduate, MBA, Executive MBA, and doctoral levels in Principles of Management, Organizational Behavior, Cross-cultural Management, Culture and Organization. His current research interests include organizational justice, ethical leadership, social networking, and conflict of interest.

陈昭全教授是美国罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)600全讯白菜网址大全管理与全球商务系教授,并曾担任该系系主任。陈教授目前担任中国管理研究国际学会第五任主席(2012-2014年),并担任《组织管理研究》(Management and Organization Review)、《亚太管理期刊》(Asia Pacific Journal of Management)等期刊副主编。陈教授先后在纽约州立大学布法罗分校(New York State University - Buffalo)、罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)和纽约大学(New York University)执教,主讲组织行为、跨文化管理和谈判等课程。他还在一些中美公司(如Elli Lilly、AT&T、Verizon、ISP、COSCO和深圳管理培训中心)从事过咨询和培训业务。陈教授的研究领域主要在跨文化管理和组织行为学,其中包括领导学、组织公平、社会网络、企业社会责任和商业伦理。陈教授在国际管理研究领域,尤其是跨文化研究领域,具有高度的国际影响力。他的研究发表在主要国际管理学术期刊,其中十余篇论文发表在国际顶尖级的管理学期刊,如《美国管理学会学报》(AMJ)、《美国管理学会评论》(AMR)、《管理科学季刊》(ASQ)、《应用心理学学报》(JAP)、《组织科学》(OSci)和《国际商务研究期刊》(JIBS)等。

讲座摘要:Based on a literature review of Chinese traditional philosophies and social science research on social harmony as well as content analyses of the views of Chinese managers we formulated a construct of group harmony, developed a measure, and tested its validity in two studies on 167 top management groups from China. Study 1 demonstrated convergent and discriminant validity of group harmony against well established constructs of group cohesiveness, relationship conflict, and conflict avoidance. Study 2 tested the effects of group harmony and found that, as hypothesized, group harmony enhanced group innovative performance through increasing knowledge sharing among group members. However, instead of motivating innovative performance through fostering moderate levels of task conflict, group harmony enhanced innovative performance through reducing task conflict on one hand and neutralizing the negative effect of task conflict on the other. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.


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