
发布者:600全讯白菜网址大全办公室     时间:2014-06-05     阅读次数:2445

讲座主题:Advancing Theories from Research on Chinese OFDI: Practices and Direction(通过研究中国对外投资发展理论: 现状与未来)

主讲人:Ping Deng  Ph.D.(邓平博士),美国克里夫兰大学600全讯白菜网址大全全球商务讲席、管理学教授




Dr. Deng is the Monte Ahuja Endowed Chair of Global Business and a professor of management at the Monte Ahuja College of Business (AACSB accredited), Cleveland State University (CSU), OH. As the Endowed Chair, he is responsible for leading the development of strong graduate programs, especially in the area of global business and provides intellectual leadership to enhance the international reputation of the Monte Ahuja College and the University.Dr. Deng’s research focuses on global strategy, EMNCs, and foreign direct investment (FDI) from emerging economies, with particular emphasis on research methodologies, theoretical advancement, and social and political contexts. He has published more than thirty articles in prestigious business and management journalsand regularly serve as expert reviewer and award-winning judge for a number of prominent journals, textbooks, and scholarly associations in the world. More importantly, in the last ten years, almost each of Dr. Deng's papers has become a most cited article in the journal; they are listed as important articles which have shaped the international business theories and practices and they are widely cited worldwide. Dr. Deng has been interviewed and highlighted by and/or quoted in influential media in the world and international organizations, including Washington Post, New York Times, USA TODAY, Chicago Tribune, International Herald Tribune, Fortune magazine, Associated Press, and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

Presentation 1: Advancing Theories from Research on Chinese OFDI: Practices and Direction (通过研究中国对外投资发展理论: 现状与未来)

This presentation is based on my most recent article, entitled "Chinese outward direct investment research: Theoretical integration and recommendation", which is published at Management and Organization Review (MOR), 2013, 9(3) (#1 academic journal on Chinese Management; SSCI listed, 2012 Impact Factor (IF): 2.827; 31/172 (management).

Chinese internationalization and outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) in particular has become one of the most profound business phenomena that may shape the future of the global economy. By critically reviewing 138 articles published in major scholarly journals in the last twelve years (2001-2012) that focus on Chinese OFDI, I argue that research on the international expansion of Chinese firms offers a unique opportunity to extend and develop extant theorizing in four primary research streams: the latecomer perspective; Chinese state and government influences; the dynamics of firms and institutions; and the liability of foreignness. Building on the analytical results, I offer five recommendations as promising ways to open up theoretical inquiry: (1) cross-fertilization among the four research streams; (2) integration of resource- and institution-based theories with other theoretical lenses; (3) research on the process dimensions using a longitudinal approach; (4) adoption of multi-levels of analysis; and (5) consideration of the wider emerging market literature.

Presentation 2: How to Publish Research in High-Quality International Journals (如何将研究成果发表在高水平国际期刊上)?

How to convert good research projects into articles at high-quality international journals is a big challenge particularly for young scholars. Based upon my own personal academic experiences in the last ten years, largely as author, reviewer and editor, in this presentation I will outline some of the most frequently mentioned concerns and effective ways of how to address them before papers are first submitted. This presentation should be especially interesting for those faculty and scholars who are relatively new to the international academic field. Hopefully, these tips provide a useful bridge between “the big picture” provided by the research methodology courses and the reality of publishing in high-quality international journals.


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