澳大利亚新南威尔士大学Karin Sanders教授应邀到校作报告

发布者:组织管理研究所、工商管理系     时间:2014-06-17     阅读次数:734

        6月12日,应组织管理研究所和工商管理系邀请,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学600全讯白菜网址大全的Karin Sanders教授来我校进行学术交流,并作了题为“双人探戈:人力资源内容和流程对员工结果的影响(It takes two to tango: The effect of HRM Content and Process on employee outcomes)”的学术报告。工商管理系和组织管理研究所的相关教师及研究生参加了报告会。

        人力资源实践如何影响员工和企业绩效是战略人力资源管理的一个经典问题。Karin Sanders教授的报告围绕人力资源管理的流程视角(HRM process approach),详细地介绍了人力资源管理流程视角的理论背景、以其与HRM内容视角的差别和联系。通过介绍她十年来的四个相关研究,Karin Sanders教授展示了她对流程视角的实证探索。她的一系列研究说明,结合人力资源管理的内容(例如,高承诺工作系统),人力资源实践的三个流程特点显著性、一致性和一贯性,会共同影响员工对人力资源管理的归因,从而影响员工的工作态度。

        在报告会中,Karin Sanders教授还与师生们就研究方法的问题进行了交流。同时,她也分享了作为国际顶级人力资源管理期刊的特邀编辑的审稿经验,并且提出多项具有针对性的投稿建议。


■ Karin Sanders教授简介:
Karin Sanders, PhD is Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management at the Australian School of Business, University of New South Wales(UNSW), Sydney, Australia and is director of the Centre of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE; UNSW). In addition, she is the coordinator of a large research program focusing on the antecedents of informal learning activities of employees (funded by N.W.O.). Her research focuses on the process approach of HRM, in particular the impact of employees’ perceptions and attributions of HRM on their attitudes and behaviors. In addition to this Karin is interested in evidence-based decision making, and is part of the evidence-based management network. Together with Julie Cogin and Hugh Bainbridge she edits a text book on “Research Methods in Human Resource Management Research” (Routlegde). Together with Helen Shipton and Jorge Gomes Karin is guest editor for a special issue HRM, entitled “Is the HRM process important”. She is associate editor of Evidence-Based HRM. Karin is visiting professor at the Beijing Normal University (Beijing, China), and Norway Business School.

Her recent publications include:

Sanders, K. & Yang, H. (accepted). How to make sense of Human Resource Management; Employees’ Attribution to explain the HRM – Performance relationship. Human Resource Management.
Sanders, K., Shipton, H. & Gomes, J. (accepted). Is HRM process important? Past, Current and Future Challenges. Human Resource Management.
Bednall, T., Sanders, K., & Runhaar, P. (In Press). Stimulating informal learning activities through perceptions of performance appraisal quality and HRM system strength: A two-wave study. Academy of Management Learning and Education.

Her recent guest edited special issues include:

Sanders, K., Shipton, H., & Gomes, J. (Accepted). Is HRM Process Important? Human Resource Management
Kooij, D. Paauwe, J. & Sanders, K. (2011). “Diversity in HRM Research” Personnel Review, 40
Sanders, K. & Frenkel, S. (2011). HR-Line Management relations: Characteristics and Effects. International Journal of HRM, 22


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