
发布者:600全讯白菜网址大全办公室     时间:2015-01-04     阅读次数:1747

讲座主题:Nonmarket Strategy and Organizational Performance: A review of the literature and multi-theoretical framework for future research
主讲人:Kamel Mellahi 教授

        Kamel Mellahi is a Professor of Strategic Management at Warwick Business School. His research focuses on non-market strategy, international business strategy, and internationalization strategies of emerging markets firms. He has authored/ co-authored six books and published over 80 scholarly articles. His research has been published in various journals including Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Academy of Management Perspectives, Journal of World Business, and Journal of International Business Studies.
        Kamel serves as a Senior Editor for the Journal of World Business and Consulting Editor for the British Journal of Management. He is a previous (co)-Editor-in Chief of the International Journal of Management Reviews.

        Over the years, two parallel strands of nonmarket strategy research have emerged in isolation: one examines strategic corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the other examines corporate political activity (CPA) even though there are obvious interactions between the social and political aspects of corporate strategies. In this article, we review and synthesize CSR and CPA research published in top tier and specialized academic outlets between 2000 and 2014. In particular, we (a) conduct a systematic review of the extent literature on nonmarket strategy-organizational performance link; (b) synthesize the mechanisms by which nonmarket strategy influences organizational performance; (c) integrate and synthesize the two strands -- CSR strategy and CPA strategy -- of the literature; (d) develop a multi-theoretical framework for improving our understanding of the effects of nonmarket strategy on organizational performance; and (e) present a research agenda for future conceptual and empirical research in the area of nonmarket strategy – organizational performance link.


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