
发布者:600全讯白菜网址大全办公室     时间:2018-06-08     阅读次数:1942

The 1st ECUST International Workshop on Macroeconomic Theory and Policy will be held on June 14, 2018. The workshop is sponsored by the School of Business at East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST).



ECUST International Workshop on Macroeconomic Theory and Policy

June 14, 2018

Department of Economics

Room 318, ECUST School of Business

2:55 – 3:00 pm          Opening remark

                                     Youping Li, ECUST


3:00 – 3:30 pm          Byoung Hoon Seok, Ewha Womans University

                                     Rising Earnings Risk and Wealth Distribution with Housing


3:30 – 4:00 pm          Rong Li, Renmin University of China

                                     House Values and Auto Sales


4:00 – 4:10 pm          Break


4:10 – 4:40 pm          Hye Mi You, Hanyang University

                                     Wage Volatility and Changing Patterns of Labor Supply


4:40 – 5:10 pm          Mengxiao Liu, Syracuse University

                                     Global Supply Chains without Principals


Contact: Jingchao Li, jingchaoli@ecust.edu.cn




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