国际应用系统分析研究所Brian Fath学术报告

发布者:管理科学与工程系     时间:2023-12-18     阅读次数:2427

报告题目:Ecological Networks theory and its application in socio-ecological systems

报告人:Brian D. Fath,国际应用系统分析研究所(International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, IIASA),首席研究学者(Principal Research Scholar)






Brian D. Fath 教授是国际应用系统分析研究所(IIASA)首席研究员、暑期青年研究者项目(YSSP)协调员与导师,是美国Towson大学生命科学学院教授。兼任国际生态模型学会(ISEM)秘书长、北美地区主席。曾获得2016年复杂科学“普利高津”奖章,曾担任Ecological Modelling(《生态模型》)期刊主编,现任该刊约根森(Jørgensen)特邀综述专栏编辑。担任Handbook of Environmental Management(《环境管理手册》)、Encyclopedia of Ecology(《生态大百科》)等多本权威辞书主编。多本著作作为生态学经典专著和教材引进国内影印和翻译。在《Nature Food》等期刊发表学术论文和出版物作品170余篇。长期致力于生态系统生态学、生态建模理论、生态网络分析方法及可持续发展科学的科研和教学,多次应邀来华讲学交流,与国内多所院校科研单位开展广泛合作。



The talk includes two parts. First, I would introduce the theory of ecological network, including a) structural and functional aspects of systems and the importance of interconnectivity and indirectness, b) Ecological network analysis (ENA) indicators of system performance and sustainability, and c) Emergence of network mutualism – positive spillover effects from being in a network. Then, I will give some case studies to show how the ecological network theory could be applied to the socio-ecological systems, including a) urban metabolism, b) food energy water nexus, c) regenerative economics, and d) global trade.



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