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大数据与金融计算(上海高校市级重点本科课程) 课程内容:
已累计在高影响因子综合期刊《PNAS》,高影响因子综述期刊《Reports on Progress in Physics》,管理领域国内顶级期刊《管理科学学报》,主流经济金融期刊《Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization》、《Quantitative Finance》、《Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money》、《Emerging Market Review》等学术期刊上发表SSCI/SCI论文60余篇,H指数为25。先后主持国家自然科学基金3项、教育部博士点基金1项、中国工程院战略咨询项目子课题1项,上海市哲学社会科学规划一般课题1项。入选上海市青年拔尖人才、上海市晨光学者;获2016年上海市自然科学奖二等奖(排名第二),2018年上海市高校青年教师课堂教学竞赛优秀奖;入选2020和2021年度爱思唯尔“管理科学与工程”领域中国高被引学者榜单。
工作经历 2011.05-2013.08, 600全讯白菜网址大全, 讲师 2013.09-2018.08,600全讯白菜网址大全,副教授 2018.09-至今,600全讯白菜网址大全,教授、 硕导(2014)、博导(2017) 教育背景 2001.09-2005.07, 600全讯白菜网址大全理工优秀生部, 工学学士 2005.09-2011.03, 600全讯白菜网址大全, 理学博士 海外经历 2008.11-2009.05, 瑞士联邦理工大学苏黎世分校(ETH Zurich), 国家公派留学联合培养博士 2011.07-2011.09, 美国波士顿大学(Boston University), 访问学者 2015.03-2016.03, 美国波士顿大学(Boston University), 访问学者
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,72171084,在线社会中人类合作行为的机理实证和演化建模,48万,202201-202512,主持,在研 3. 国家自然科学基金NSFC-广东省大数据科学研究中心项目“基于大数据的地方金融安全智能预警与防控系统”,U1811462,子课题“基于大数据的地方金融系统的复杂网络特征及其区域系统性风险的演化规律研究”(二),2019/01-2022/12,40万元,在研,主持 2. 国家自然科学重大研究计划(大数据驱动的管理与决策研究)培育项目,91746108,基于网络大数据的人类合作行为分析,2018/01-2020/12,直接经费43万元,结题,主持 1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,11205057,复杂时空网络的演化、建模及动力学研究,2013/01-2015/12,22万元,结题,主持 省部级项目 3. 上海市哲学社会科学规划一般课题,2017BJB006,基于金融网络风险传导的金融市场极端风险预警模型研究,2018/01-2020/12,8万元,在研,主持 2. 中国工程院战略咨询项目,子课题“全球工程前沿综合四组”,2018/01-2018/12,20万元,结题,主持 1. 教育部博士点基金新教师类,20120074120028,MMORPG中虚拟人移动行为的时空演化建模及其计算实验研究,2013/01-2015/12,4万元,已结题,主持 人才计划 2. 上海市青年拔尖人才,201901-202112,10万元,在研,主持 1. 上海市晨光计划,2012CG34,基于复杂金融网络的中国股市操纵行为研究,201301-201512,2万元,结题,主持
1. 蒋志强,王逸明,汪鹏,周炜星*, 亲社会行为机理可以促进医疗众筹项目筹资吗?——基于轻松筹的实证研究, 中国管理科学, 32, 227-236, 2024 2. Yin-Jie Ma, Zhi-Qiang Jiang*, Fan-Shu Fang, Matjaz Perc, and Stefano Boccaletti*, Social norms and cooperation in higher-order networks. Proceedings of the Royal Scoiety A: Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Science, 480, 20240066, 2024 3. Yan Cui, Zhi-Qiang Jiang*, Li Wang*, Wei-Xing Zhou, Individualism/Collectivism and charitable donations: An empirical analysis at the national, regional, and personal levels, accepted by Journal of Management Science and Engineering,2024 4. 蒋志强*,陶屹,崔岩,周炜星,文本主题特征与医疗众筹项目的筹资绩效:基于LDA主题模型的研究,中国管理科学(录用),2024 5. Xing-Lu Gao, Zhi-Qiang Jiang*, Wei-Xing Zhou*, Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the intermittent behavior of the global spot markets of staple food crops,Journal of Management Science and Engineering, 9, 510-521, 2024 2023 1. 蒋志强,崔岩,王莉*,周炜星,赓续红色血脉:红色文化烙印与个人慈善捐赠,系统工程理论与实践,43, 3129-3144, 2023 2. Z.-Q. Jiang, P. Wang, J.-C. Ma, P. Zhu, Z. Han, B. Podobnik, H. E. Stanley, W.-X. Zhou*, K. Alfaro-Bittner*, and S. Boccaletti, Unraveling the effects of network, direct and indirect reciprocity in online societies, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 169, 113276, 2023 3. Y.-J. Ma, Y.-H. Dai, P.-F. Dai, Z.-Q. Jiang*, L. Wang*, W.-X. Zhou, Understanding the circulation network of agro-products in China based on the freight big data, accepted by Annals of Operations Research, 2023 4. X.-L Fu#, X.-L. Gao#, Z. Shan, Y.-J. Ma*, Z.-Q. Jiang*, W.-X. Zhou, Multifractal characteristics and return predictability in the Chinese stock markets, accepted by Annals of Operations Research, 2023 5. J.-C. Ma, Z.-Q. Jiang*, Y.-J. Ma, D.-Y. Dai, Community structure and resilience of the city logistics networks in China, Mathematics, 11, 4352, 2023 2022 1. Y.-Y. Shen, Z.-Q. Jiang*, J.-C. Ma, G.-J. Wang, W.-X. Zhou, Sector connectedness in the Chinese stock markets, Empirical Economics, 62, 825–852, 2022 2. W.-Z. Li, J.-R. Zhai, Z.-Q. Jiang*, G.-J. Wang, W.-X. Zhou, Predicting tail events in a RIA-EVT-Copula framework, Physica A 600, 127524, 2022 3. Y.-J. Ma, Z.-Q. Jiang*, B. Podobnic*, Predictability of players' actions as a mechanism to boost cooperation, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 164, 112677, 2022 4. 蒋志强,胡海燕,戴鹏飞*,王莉,周炜星,基于事件流模型的粮食期货极端风险测度计算研究,中国管理科学(录用), 2022 2021 1. 马寅杰, 李牧遥, 蒋志强, 周炜星, 基于SRISK指标的中国银行业系统性风险度量研究, 计量经济学报, 1, 114-140, 2021. 2. J.-C. Ma, L. Wang, Z.-Q. Jiang*, W. Yan*, W.-X. Zhou, City logistics networks based on online freight orders in China, Physica A, 583, 126333, 2021. 3. P. Wang, Y. Li, Y.-J. Ma, Z.-Q. Jiang*, Quantifying the Endogeneity in online donations. Entropy, 23, 1667, 2021 2020 1. P. Wang, J.-C. Ma, Z.-Q. Jiang*, W.-X. Zhou, D. Sornette, Comparative analysis of layered structures in empirical investor networks and cellphone communication networks, EPJ Data Science, 9, 11, 2020. 2. 吴婧,蒋志强*,周炜星,基于重现时间间隔分析的极端收益预测及交易策略研究,中国管理科学, 28(5), 39-51, 2020 2019 1. 蒋志强,田婧雯,周炜星*,中国股市收益率的可预测性研究,管理科学学报, 22(4), 92-108, 2019. 2. Z.-Q. Jiang#, W.-J. Xie#, W.-X. Zhou*, D. Sornette*, Multifractal analyisis of financial markets: a review, Rep. Prog. Phys., 82, 125901, 2019. 3. T.-H. Zhi, Z.-F. Li, Z.-Q. Jiang, L.-J. Wei*, D. Sornette, Is there a housing bubble in China? Emerging Markets Review, 39, 120-132, 2019. 4. X.-L. Gao, Z.-Q. Jiang*, W.-X. Zhou, and H. E. Stanley, Comparing null models for testing multifractality in time series. EPL, 125, 18001, 2019. 2018 1. 蒋志强,王纲金,A Canabarro, B Podobnik, H E Stanley, 周炜星*,Short term prediction of extreme returns based on the recurrence interval analysis, Quantitative Finance, 18(3), 353-370, 2018 2. G.-J. Wang, Z.-Q. Jiang, M. Lin, C. Xie, H. E. Stanley, Interconnectedness and systemic risk of China's financial institutions, Emerging Market Review, 35(6), 1-18, 2018. 3. G.-J. Wang, C. Xie, L.-F. Zhao, Z.-Q. Jiang, Volatility connectedness in the Chinese banking system: Do state-owned commercial banks contribute more?, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 57 (11), 205-230, 2018. 2017 1. 蒋志强,高兴禄,周炜星,H. E. Stanley, Multifractal cross wavelet analysis, Fractals, 25 (6), 1750054, 2017. 2. 蒋志强, 杨彦红, 王纲金, 周炜星*, Joint multifractal analysis based on wavelet leaders, Frontiers of Physics, 12, 128907, 2017. 2016 1. Z.-Q. Jiang, A. Canabarro, B. Podobnik, H. E. Stanley, and W.-X. Zhou*, Early warning of large volatilities based on recurrence interval analysis in Chinese stock markets, Quantitative Finance, 16, 1713-1724 (2016). 2. G.-J. Wang*, X. Chi, Z.-Q. Jiang, H. E. Stanley, Who are the net senders and recipients of volatility spillovers in China's financial markets?, Finance Research Letters, 18, 255–262 (2016). 3. G.-J. Wang*, X. Chi, Z.-Q. Jiang, H. E. Stanley, Extreme risk spillover effects in world gold markets and the global financial crisis, International Review of Economics and Finance, 46, 55-77 (2016). 4. Z.-Q. Jiang, W,-J. Xie, M.-X. Li, W.-X. Zhou*, and D. Sornette*, Two-state Markov-chain Poisson nature of individual cellphone call statistics, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, 073210 (2016). 5. W,-J. Xie, M.-X. Li, Z.-Q. Jiang, W.-X. Zhou, Q.-Z. Tan, B. Podobnik, W.-X Zhou* and H. E. Stanley*, Skill complementarity enhances heterophily in collaboration networks, Scientific Reports, 6, 18727 (2016). 6. M. Yang, Z.-Q. Jiang, The dynamic correlation between policy uncertainty and stock market returns in China, Physica A, 461, 92–100 (2016). 2015 1. H. Zhu, Z.-Q. Jiang*, S.-P. Li, and W.-X. Zhou*, Profitability of simple technical trading rules of Chinese stock exchange indexes, Physica A, 439, 75–84 (2015). 2. S. Wang, Z.-Q. Jiang*, S.-P. Li, W.-X. Zhou*, Testing the performance of technical trading rules in the Chinese markets based on superior predictive test, Physica A, 439, 114–123 (2015). 3. M.-X. Li, W.-J. Xie, Z.-Q. Jiang* and W.-X. Zhou*, Communication cliques in mobile phone calling networks, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, P11007 (2015). 2014 1. Z.-Q. Jiang, W.-J. Xie, W.-X. Zhou*, Testing the weak-form efficiency of the WTI crude oil futures market, Physica A, 405, 235-244 (2014). 2. W.-J. Xie, Z.-Q. Jiang, W.-X. Zhou*, Extreme value statistics and recurrence intervals of NYMEX energy futures volatility, Economic Modelling, 36, 8-17 (2014). 2013 1. Z.-Q. Jiang, W.-J. Xie, X. Xiong, W. Zhang, Y.-J. Zhang, W.-X. Zhou, Trading networks, abnormal motifs and stock manipulation, Quantitative Finance Letters, 1, 1-8 (2013). 2. Z.-Q. Jiang, W.-J. Xie, M.-X. Li, B. Podobnik, W.-X. Zhou, and H. E. Stanley, Calling patterns in human communication dynamics, PNAS, 110, 1600-1605 (2013). 2011 1. Z.-Q. Jiang and W.-X. Zhou, Multifractal detrending moving-average cross-correlation analysis, Physical Review E, 84, 016106 (2011). 2010 1. Z.-Q. Jiang,W.-X. Zhou, D. Sornette, R.Woodard, K. Bastiaensen, and P. Cauwels, Bubble Diagnosis and Prediction of the 2005-2007 and 2008-2009 Chinese stock market bubbles, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 74, 149-162 (2010). 2009 1. Z.-Q. Jiang,W.-X. Zhou, and Q.-Z. Tan, Online-offline activities and game-playing behaviors of avatars in a massive multiplayer online role-playing game, EPL, 88, 48007 (2009). 2008 1. Z.-Q. Jiang and W.-X. Zhou, Statistical significance of rich-club phenomena in complex networks, New Journal of Physics, 10, 043002 (2008). 2007 1. Z.-Q. Jiang and W.-X. Zhou, Endogenous and exogenous dynamics in the fluctuations of capital fluxes, Eur. Phys. J. B, 57, 347-355 (2007). 2. Z.-Q. Jiang, W.-X. Zhou, B. Xu, and W.-K. Yuan, Process Flow Diagram of an Ammonia Plant as a Complex Network, AIChE Journal, 53, 423-428 (2007).
2016年,上海市自然科学奖二等奖,《复杂系统离散标度不变性的原理、方法和应用》(排名第二) 2016年,600全讯白菜网址大全教学成果奖一等奖(排名第三) 2016年,600全讯白菜网址大全教学成果奖三等奖(独立完成) 2017年,600全讯白菜网址大全五四青年奖章提名奖 2018年,600全讯白菜网址大全青年教师课堂教学竞赛一等奖(人文社科组) 2018年,600全讯白菜网址大全第三届校园新星(教学类) 2018年,上海市青年教师课堂教学竞赛优秀奖 2018年,上海市青年拔尖人才 2021年,600全讯白菜网址大全青年英才校长奖优秀奖(教学类) 2021年,600全讯白菜网址大全教学成果奖二等奖(排名第一)
中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会风险管理分会理事 上海市运筹学会理事 首届中国衍生品青年论坛成员 全国经济复杂性跨学科研究会理事会秘书长 全国复杂性科学研究会理事会副秘书长 全国博弈论与实验经济学研究会副理事长 |