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研究生:高级微观经济学 MBA:管理经济学(英语)
2006 - 2011  田纳西大学经济学系,经济学硕士、博士 2008 - 2009  乔治城大学经济学系,经济学博士研究生(4.0/4.0) 1999 - 2003  复旦大学国际金融系,金融学学士 工作经历 2020 -           600全讯白菜网址大全,教授 2014 - 2020  600全讯白菜网址大全,副教授 2011 - 2014  600全讯白菜网址大全,讲师 2004 - 2006  中国石油上海销售分公司,助理主办
2023 - 2025  教育部人文社会科学青年项目“标准必要专利授权的反垄断经济学分析”
2017 - 2019  国家自然科学基金青年项目“中间品市场差异化定价的反垄断研究:基于研发激励的视角”
[1] "Who Should Decide How Much Information to Collect?" Oxford Economic Papers, gpae025, forthcoming. (with Jianhu Zhang) [2] "The Welfare Effects of Input Price Discrimination Revisited." International Journal of Industrial Organization 95: 103083, 2024. (with Jianhu Zhang) [3] "Uniform Pricing as a Barrier to Entry." Journal of Industrial Economics 71(1): 176-191, 2023. (with Hong Feng and Jie Shuai) [4] "Input Price Discrimination and Horizontal Shareholding." Journal of Regulatory Economics 61(1): 48-66, 2022. (with Jie Shuai) [5] "Licensing Essential Patents: The Non-Discriminatory Commitment and Hold-up." Journal of Industrial Economics 67(1): 37-55, 2019. (with Jie Shuai) [6] "Differential Pricing in Intermediate Good markets." Journal of Industrial Economics 65(3): 585-596, 2017. [7] "Endogenous Price Leadership and the Strategic Acquisition of Information." Southern Economic Journal 82(3): 859-873, 2016. (with Scott M. Gilpatric) [8] "Information Value under Demand Uncertainty and Endogenous Market Leadership." Economic Inquiry 53(1): 589-603, 2015. (with Scott M. Gilpatric) [9] "A Note on Third Degree Price Discrimination in Intermediate Good Markets." Journal of Industrial Economics 62(3): 554, 2014. [10] "Timing of Investments and Third Degree Price Discrimination in Intermediate Good Markets." Economics Letters 121(2): 316-320, 2013.
上海高校外国留学生英语授课示范性课程(2019) 上海市大学生创业决策仿真大赛优秀指导教师奖(一等奖)(2020)
中国信息经济学会 理事、基础理论专业委员会副主任
中国经济学年会 理事、企业与产业经济学专业委员会委员 产业组织学会(IOS)会员 美国经济学会(AEA)会员 |