林森 讲师
性       别
职       务
所属部门 管理科学与工程系
学科领域 工程管理
电子邮箱 linsenjn@ecust.edu.cn
2024至今 600全讯白菜网址大全 讲师
2019-2023 香港城市大学 博士
2023 新南威尔士大学 访问学者
2014-2017 天津大学 硕士
2010-2014 江南大学 本科
国家自然科学基金项目,国际工程风险管理投入决策优化研究 (项目编号:71202084),参与
教育部人文社会科学研究项目,文化距离对合作绩效影响研究:基于联营体成员心智模式差异的中介作用 (项目编号:16YJA630031),参与
1. Lin S*, Cheung S O. An Instrument for Identification of Intention to Settle in Project Dispute Negotiation. Journal of Management in Engineering, 2023, 39(5): 04023030.
2. Lin S*, Cheung S O. Exploring the Concept of Psychological Distance and Its Impact on Intention to Settle in Construction Dispute Negotiation, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2022, 148(12): 04022133.
3. Lin S*, Cheung S O. Intention to Settle as an Indispensable Element of Negotiated Construction Dispute Settlement. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2022, 148(10): 04022113.
4. Lin S*, Cheung S O. Understanding the dark side of power on negotiation settlement in projects. Project Management Journal. (In press)
5. Lin S*, Li K Y, Cheung S O. Managing Disputes for a Sustainable Construction: A Perspective of Settlement Facilitating Elements in Negotiations. Buildings, 2023, 13(10): 2578.
6. Lin S, Chen S Y, Liu X*. The Dark Side of Empowering Leadership: How Empowering Leadership Affects Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior in Construction Projects. Buildings, 2023, 13(10): 2640.
7. Liu J, Lin S, Feng Y*. Understanding Why Chinese Contractors Are Not Willing to Purchase Construction Insurance. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 2018, 25(2), 257-272.
8. Lin S, Cheung S O. A Note on Intention to Settle [M]//Construction Dispute Research Expanded. Springer, Cham, 2022: 201-227.
9. Lin S. Interweaving Incentives and Disincentives for Construction Dispute Negotiation Settlement [M]// Construction Incentivization: Beyond Carrot and Stick. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 231-259.
10. 林森*,李志永,刘俊颖. 国际工程项目中见索即付保函实务及案例. 国际经济合作. 2016, 09, 53-57.
香港 UGC 博士全额奖学金
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 审稿人
Project Management Journal 审稿人
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 审稿人


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